Other assetts
Bully’s Hill Quarry
Bully’s Hill Quarry is large flat gravel area on Brading Downs to the west of the town. Although open to all, it provides young people with a recreational outdoor area. There is a BMX bike track together with picnic tables and a BBQ area. The area has recently been planted with young trees. The quarry provides a natural amphitheatre for the occasional outdoor concert. The natural vegetation has been cleared of scrub and brambles to provide a nature trail to the back of the quarry. Large stones from a range of IOW quarries have been placed in the north west corner of the car park, along with a life sized quarryman carved by Paul Sivell in oak.
Abandoned chalkpits are a popular haunt for some butterfly species and can support some fine colonies. Particular species to look out for are Chalkhill Blues, Small and Common Blues and Wall Browns, they all like to bask in the sunshine. Of all habitats chalk downland supports the widest variety of species per square metre.
Brading Butterfly Walk
The butterfly walk links existing footpaths, joining places of interest and encompasses a variety of different habitats important to a wide range of butterfly and moth species. It can be found on the Upper Road, Adgestone, PO36 0ET.
Beech Grove Play Area
Beech Grove is a large park to the north of the town which is open to all. There is a gated children’s play area, where dogs are not allowed, and a football pitch.
There is also a small wooded area which has been planted by the town in recent years.
Residents and visitors can enjoy the views towards Bembridge Harbour from the benches provided and exercise their dogs. Free dog bags are available at this park & dog owners are encouraged to act responsibly.
It is situated on the Mall, PO36 0BS,