Finance and General Purpose Committee
The Finance & General-Purpose Committee meets several times a year and is responsible for scrutinising the Council’s accounts along with financial and legal processes.
It also considers matters regarding staff and governance.
It formulates and reviews Council’s policies and procedures when necessary and considers other matters of a general nature that do not fall to other standing Committees.
The Finance & General-Purpose Committee is comprised of the following councillors:
Councillor Christine Johnson
Councillor Richard Whiting
Councillor John Graney
Councillor Jonathan Bacon
Councillor Jon Ellis
Councillor Faradee Rudy
To view the Finance & General-Purpose Committee’s Terms of Reference click here
Please contact the Town Clerk if you have any queries relating to the Finance & General- Purpose Committee.
Agendas and Minutes for all meetings of the Council and Committees can be found on the Council Documents page.