Island Planning Strategy Development Plan

Island Planning Strategy Development Plan

Picture of front cover of StrategyAs life returns to some semblance of normality we should be enjoying getting out in the sunshine and fine weather, although sadly this appears to be in short supply being replaced by high winds and rain of biblical proportions causing damage, flooding and travel disruption. Some point to climate change and indeed there is plenty of evidence to support this.

For that reason, we must as a country and specifically us as an Island look to those in Westminster who dictate planning policy. We are informed that the previous IOW Council’s planning strategy is out of date, not fit for purpose and therefore the presumption of development applies. This is the reason behind the recently granted West Acre (some 400+ houses). Add that to the 900 planned at Penny feathers and the 60 holiday lodges at Carpenters Road and the concern for traffic through Brading is there for all to see.

The New IOW Council have wasted no time in trying to address this and have recently introduced a new draft Island Planning Strategy for consultation. It is important to seek this out and make your voice heard. To assist with this, much of our meeting on the 2nd September 2021 will take the form of a presentation of the proposed Island strategy by James Brewer, who is the Planning Team leader for policy and delivery at the IOW Council. James will be happy to take your questions and listen to your views.

We will also upload the policy to our website and have some copies in the Brading Centre.

Let’s make our voices heard and try to change this for the better.




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