Notice of Bridleway closure 18/07/2022 for two weeks
Dear All
Please be aware that we have had to close the bridleway called B29 that links between Brading Down Road and Kellys Copse, this is so the landowner can carry out tree works to make ash die back trees safe. These trees are either side of the bridleway and this is why it needs to be closed to the public whilst the contractors are working, but in the evenings when the works have completed for the day the bridleway will available for the public.
The closure has started today Monday 18th July and is anticipated to be required for 2 weeks.
In addition to this once the school summer holidays are over more tree safety works, for ash die back, will resume in Kellys Copse and this will mean further bridleway closures. Once the dates for this have been finalised I will let you know.
Kind regards
Jennine Gardiner
Public Rights of Way