Planning Committee Agenda 29/11/2021
Historic England Survey
Carriageway Works in the Mall 29/11/2021 – 10/12/2021
The Mall, Brading between High Street and north of Beech Grove Surgery will be closed for approximately 5-7 days between Monday 29th November – Friday 12th December 2021 from 07:30 – 18:00 A 24-hour road closure will be required throughout the works. Vehicle access will be prohibited at all times within the area of works. Only when it is safe to do so, resident access will be maintained within the road closure extent outside of the area of works. Should… Continue Reading Carriageway Works in the Mall 29/11/2021 – 10/12/2021
Brading Centre Christmas Opening Times
The Brading Centre will close at 12 noon on Thursday 16th December 2021 and will re-open on Monday 3rd January 2022 at 9:00 am
Community Nativity Celebration
Festival of Christmas Stars
Brading Residents Association is holding their Festival of Christmas Stars from 19th December to 5th January. Design and make stars to display at your home or business. Entry is FREE via email: [email protected] Register before 16th December to be included on the free Star Search Map which will be available from Premier, Notice board at 18 Quay Lane or online:
Brading Christmas Carol Service – CANCELLED
BRADING CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE with the SALAVATION ARMY BAND TUESDAY 14th DECEMBER 7:30PM BRADING TOWN HALL Free entry and refreshments. Raffle with all proceeds going to the Salvation Army
New Town Trust Member
At the Town Council meeting on 04/11/21, Joy Lee was voted in as one of the Town Council’s three nominated Town Trust representatives. The vacancy arose due to Hugh Street stepping down.
Weeds on the Highway
Island Roads is responsible for the treatment of weeds on the highway and this year tried to be environmentally friendly in carrying out this task. Unfortunately, it was not successful and therefore they will return to using herbicides to control the spread of weeds in the future. Weed control