

The grants applications are agreed by the Finance and General Purpose Committee and is responsible for making decisions on small grant applications.

The current year’s budget for small grants is £10,000.  New applications are considered on their merits, bearing in mind the following criteria:

  1. The amount of the Grants Budget available

  2. The benefit(s) to the community

  3. The viability of the project

  4. The likelihood of attracting funds from other sources

  5. Financial status of the applicant

  6. Applications must not be retrospective unless there is a strong health and safety case

  7. Large-scale applications (for £10,000 or more) must be submitted by 30th September each year.

In general the Committee avoids giving grants for items that constitute revenue or core funding.  Preference is usually given to items which enable “Pump Priming”, and Matched Funding is supported.  Further details can be found in our Grants Terms of Reference and Process guidance.

If you would like to apply for a grant please email with details of your project to the Town Clerk or post to the Town Hall along with the requested supporting documentation.  You will be required to submit accounting information appropriate to your organisation.